Tuesday, April 14, 2009



We had a really nice Easter this year with the kids. Toomas took the big kids to the Easter vigil mass on "Easter Eve" (it was at 8:30 pm and lasted until 11 pm!). The church was dark and lit only by the candles that were held by everyone. There was a small procession outside in a single file line, with everyone holding their candles. I know from previous years that it is indeed very beautiful. I was sad to miss the mass, but I knew how long it would last and my concern was over Kaitlyn. Evan is EASY. I could have taken him for sure, but 8:30 is about Kaitlyn's bedtime and Toomas said that it was even hard for Erik to stay up *and attentive* for the whole 2.5 hours!

The kids and Toomas got home after 11 and crashed. Everyone slept in until 8:30 on Easter morning which was nice. This was just after I had fed Evan so the timing was perfect. We all headed down at about 8:45 with Evan content and sleeping.

Kaitlyn was really excited about Easter this year..but she kept forgetting her basket. She would go find a chocolate egg and just put down the previous one she had found. The Easter bunny left a few small gifts on the couch for the kids ( new underwear sets for all 4 kids, a book for Krista, a few Pokemon cards for Erik and a puzzle for Kaitlyn...and a DVD for everyone "Open Season".) It was a GORGEOUS day and we hunted outside for easter eggs after brunch. Kaitlyn was less interested in hunting outside only because she wanted to play on the swingset so badly. She had already collected her share of eggs in the house I guess. Erik and Krista had a lot of fun finding all the eggs outside...but Krista said it was "too easy"!! I guess the Easter bunny will have to step things up a bit and be sneakier next year!

We were really blessed with the gorgeous weather we had on Easter. It is STILL beautiful infact.. This is perfect for the landscapers now who are diligently working on our entry project. I'll have PLENTY more photos of that in step by step action! :)

I'm also thankful for the weather because Erik has his week long "green class" this week where they will be spending every day on a Farm this week. The weather really couldn't be nicer! Okay...I'll be back with the landscaping pictures shortly...

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Sounds like you had a nice Easter. Send some of the nice weather over here, please! We had thought of going to the vigil as well, but then thought better of it. The kids are too young for that. Someday. Can't wait to see the landscaping pictures.