Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Kids in the Yard and Recent Happenings...

Wow, the days are swirling by FAST! The weather has warmed up and spring is in the air. I suppose that is my excuse for not getting a post (or two) up here until today! Things have been hectic since Erik's birthday. I still have to post a recap of his group birthday party, but I'll save that for when I have a bit more time. In a nutshell it was a hit. In all he invited 7 boys (and only boys) so we decided to have it at an indoor play area (to save my sanity.... and my house). It was really great and he (and all the kids) had a blast. I have lots of pictures so stay tuned...
Things have just been so busy lately since the weather has finally taken a turn for the better. I've really been on the go non-stop. Lets see...I've mowed the lawn, high pressure cleaned each and every brick on the terrace, cleaned & brought up the patio furniture, Easter shopping, scrubbed the outdoor electric boxes (which were filthy), caught up on laundry, plus washed all of the winter coats to put in storage, hmmmm and of course all of this while nursing a growing little baby boy and chasing after Kaitlyn who has been running around in the yard in complete heaven!! Speaking of the yard...Kaitlyn got a tick yesterday. Let me tell you it isn't easy removing a tick from a 2 year old. I did manage to get most of the tick out, but there was a small trace remaining. This a.m. Toomas ran over to the local Generalist to have him take a look to see if the head was out. He said the head was removed (yay!), but there was a bit of the leg remaining and gave us a sterile needle if we wanted to try and get it out. Toomas said the doctor started to try to get the rest out, but then quickly gave up when he realized his competition. Kaitlyn is no push-over and if she doesn't want to do something, it isn't happening! He gave us a RX for a Lyme test which I may wait to do because we get SO many ticks around here. I think we probabally topped out at about 20 last season with all of us combined. It is a nightly ordeal around here doing tick checks at tubby time. Ahhh...the joys of nature! One of the downsides of haivng a forest lot, but we do love our view. I hate all of the ticks but it really goes with the terretory (literally).
And speaking of the house...BIG NEWS, our landscaper is in action!! Our entry and driveway will soon be done! I'll have a big entry on that soon...with photos of the process! We've been waiting nearly 2 years for this project so it is very exciting that it is now in motion! HOORAY!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Love the pic of the kids on the slide! Everyone is getting so big! Hope you all had a great Easter!