Thursday, April 23, 2009

The house!

Gosh, I have really gotten behind on my blog these last few days! Things have been busy here so that's my excuse! :) We still have the landscapers here. I think today is their 8th or even 9th day of work. They have been SLAVING but the results are huge! Luckily we've had bright sun for all but one work day. I can't wait to post a little progress blog on the house. I've taken a zillion progess photos and will be putting together a little video for Vanaisa (Toomas' Dad), who is always interested in the technical steps. TODAY is the big day we "receive" the project. The boss will be here this afternoon for inspection and we should see them clear out today. You can't imagine how much the house has changed. It has gone from feeling like a building site to a COMPLETE package. Our house really sells itself with the lot, the location and the external beauty. It isn't an ordinary design (many houses are simple boxes) so it stands with the gorgeous driveway and entry it is SO highlighted and complimented. I always nurse Evan in my bedroom by the big bay window. I sit there muliple times a day for about 25 minutes each feeding. I've already seen two cars drive by to take pictures. I've also seen countless people walk or drive by to look at the project. Sundays are infamous for people walking by and now it is non-stop! Our neighbor yesterday approached me and said "Everyone comes to see your house on Sunday!". She is German and really liked the landscaping project which is very German in style. It is wide and elegant. I can't stress how much this has changed the house. Amazing! Stay tuned for a step by step! :)

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