Sunday, April 29, 2007

Almost One Year Old

TOMORROW is the big birthday! So exciting! Yesterday we went to get Kaitlyn her first pair of shoes. She wears an 18, but we opted for size 19 because she was a bit TOO perfect in the 18's and considering she isn't walking on her own yet we still have some time. I got them mostly for when we are out at the park or in the countryside, so she can stand without getting hurt by rocks, sticks or the like....also she needs to look pretty in her dress tomorrow and shoes are a girl's best friend!

Today we took her 12 month portraits. She has grown up SO much in the last month it is amazing. It is so exciting to see her developments.

Today I will bake her cake and get organized for our family party tomorrow. Toomas took the day off so we could have a fun family day. We'll take her on her first bike ride tomorrow, open gifts and have cake. Tuesday is a holiday in France so it has been a long and BEAUTIFUL weekend for Kaitlyn's first birthday. The weather is like summer here! It is wonderful! We have a big group party planned for Kaitlyn, which is on Saturday. We'll have all of the Estonians here and their children--about 20 + people so we've orderd catered snacks for the day.

Can't wait for tomorrow. My little Kaitlyn Brielle will be ONE year old!!!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Happy Birthday, Kaitlyn. What an adorable picture, Kelly. I love it! Enjoy the day!!! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Happy Birthday,
Alex, Gabriel, Isabelle & Nathaniel