Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dancing Queen

Kaitlyn LOVES music. I think she will be a lot like Krista. Lately I've been hearing more and more people comment on how she and Krista look so much alike. I think the differences don't end there. As Kaitlyn is developing I'm seeing her behave more and more like her older sister. First off she LOVES music and dancing, and secondly she is developing that "persistent personality" as I like to call it. Anyone remember that "Yu-Gi-Oh" card episode when she was 4 months old and wouldn't give in to letting that card be taken away? Well she is MUCH more vocal now about things going her way. I guess you have to be when you have 2 older siblings, but it is a trait that reminds me a lot of Krista.

So here is Kaitlyn playing and dancing in her playpen this morning. Since my friend Erin recently posted a dancing blog, I figured I'd keep with the spirt. Oh and Kaitlyn does this little dance move that is SOOO cute. It is sort of a "what's up" hand wave that I just adore.


4 in 4 said...

Too cute! I loved it. She is doing great with not only the dancing but also the standing. She'll be walking soon.

mike and lia said...

kelly! mike and i just caught up on your blog. It's awesome! We love it... it's like we are there with you guys. Sorry to hear about Krista's oral surgery but she was SO brave! And the dancing queen video is priceless. The "what's up" dance in the states is call "raise the roof" in the hiphop world! GO Kaitlyn! We need more footage of the boys! xxoox mike and lia