Thursday, April 05, 2007

Erik's Birthday History

Happy Birthday Erik!

Being the family historian/photographer and sentimentalist that I am, I thought I'd put together a special "Five Years of Erik" video. It was really fun (and bittersweet) looking back in time. In some ways it seems like just yesterday that I saw and held Erik for the first time after he was born. When I look at his birth photos they seem so familiar--as if only a few months have passed since I took them. The births of all 3 children are days that seem so fresh and vivid in my mind. If I close my eyes I can actually take myself back in time and re-experience the feelings and thoughts I had the morning before going off to the hospital to deliver Erik. If I close my eyes I really am RIGHT THERE. It is amazing to be able to take oneself back like that, and it requires no effort. Perhaps it has somethifng to do with this time of year. I have had all 3 children in spring months so spring to me means babies!

These 5 years have been so wonderful. Words cannot express how thankful we are to have Erik as a member of our family. He brings such joy to all of us and we are very proud of the boy he has grown to become.

Tonight I took Erik to the toy store so he could pick out one special gift for his birthday. I was afraid that the gifts I'd bought weren't really what he was really dreaming of and it turns out I was right!! All the little guy really wanted were 2 stuffed animal puppies!!! It was really fun shopping with him. It gave us some together time which was really nice. Tommorow will be fun with gift opening in the afternoon and a night on the town at Erik's favorite restaurant "The Hippo". We can't wait!

So here they are---FIVE years of Birthdays with Erik!!! It is easy to recall all of them because there has been a theme for each year. Physically he hasn't changed a whole lot since age 3. His first year theme was "The Big One" with 1's all over everything, his second birthday was a "Jungle" theme, and the third was "Farm Animals." Next after age 4 come the BOYISH years--with "Batman" for his 4th and "Star Wars" this year for his 5th.

Enjoy the video. It is 6 minutes long. I was shooting for 1 minute per year and came pretty close!


4 in 4 said...

That is really great Kelly. I am so amazed that at one year old he looks like the same Erik that he is now, just bigger. Great video and happy birthday, Erik!!!

Erin Crispin said...

How beautiful, Kelly! Happy birthday to Erik and praise God for five years of enjoyment of Erik for your family!