The good news is that Krista got her report card on Friday and guess what? She did SUCH a great job this semester!!!! She got nearly all A's. When I say nearly all A's I mean 36 A's and 6 B's!!! YES there are a lot of categories and subcategories that are graded (but 36 A's is wonderful I think!!!). I'm very very proud of her.
Today she went to the dentist to see about having the skin that is under the lip cut. Right now her 2 front teeth can't come together because it extends too far down. The proceedure involves numbing the area and then making several cuts (freinectomy in French). He set up an appointment for next week. I'm nervous about it. It will only require 2 stitches though. He said it NEEDS to be done because the two front teeth will never come together without this proceedure. Also her lateral incisor that hasn't yet decended, has no chance of coming down because the central incisor is in its place! We've been waiting on that lateral incisor since November and it still hasn't emerged. Our orthodontist thinks that this proceedure alone might be all that is required for the teeth to come together. She said she would need to see Krista in the fall to make an assesment on braces. OH THE JOYS of childhood! ;)
So that is our update for the moment. Tonight I'll take a picture of us dining on our patio. We had breakfast there today too---it has become a new room in the house with the great new table! I just love our tiles too. They are a special stone that feels so soft and doesn't stain. It is called "Softstone" and it feels just great with bare feet! It is so exciting getting the outside of the house ready. I said last night to Toomas that it almost feels like we are moving again...but this time moving "out" not moving in! We have lights to put up, plants to plant, furniture to buy and so much to conceptualize. It is very fun!
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