Fifth Birthday Fun!
Tommorow my little Erik Andres will be FIVE years old! My how the years have flown! We had Erik's group birthday party yesterday and it was a big sucess!!! Erik is currently a huge Star Wars fan, so we ordered the Star Wars Birthday kit from America. I also gave him his birthday present a few days early (a Darth Vador costume which he immediately put on and wore for his party). He had SUCH a fun time with all of his friends (MERCI a tous d'avoir fete' avec Erik et pour touts les beaux cadeaux!). All in all there were 7 children who came to the party: Antoine, Maxime, Sam, Quentin, Sophie, Manon and Morgane (4 boys and 3 girls), but then of course there was also Erik and Krista, so that made 9 kids! It sure was a hectic afternoon! We played musical chairs (Erik won--see photo below), a fun game of pin a star on the light sabor

Today he took 2 cakes to school to share with his class and then tomorrow is his real birthday. We'll order pizza tomorrow night and I will buy a cake for his real birthday. So far I've made 5 cakes in the last 2 days so I'm ready to see what the French baker has to offer now! Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day-- I hope so, because the day that Erik was born in 2002 was also a gorgeous and sunny day. I'm so excited for him to turn 5!

Happy Birthday, Erik! What a fun party. Kelly, I can't believe he is 5 already. When we met, he was just a few months older than the twins are now. Where is the time going?
I was thinking that when I did his video!!! You girls have already seen 2 of the 5 birthdays!! Crazy isn't it!
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