Thursday, April 05, 2007

Erik's Group Party

Fifth Birthday Fun!

Tommorow my little Erik Andres will be FIVE years old! My how the years have flown! We had Erik's group birthday party yesterday and it was a big sucess!!! Erik is currently a huge Star Wars fan, so we ordered the Star Wars Birthday kit from America. I also gave him his birthday present a few days early (a Darth Vador costume which he immediately put on and wore for his party). He had SUCH a fun time with all of his friends (MERCI a tous d'avoir fete' avec Erik et pour touts les beaux cadeaux!). All in all there were 7 children who came to the party: Antoine, Maxime, Sam, Quentin, Sophie, Manon and Morgane (4 boys and 3 girls), but then of course there was also Erik and Krista, so that made 9 kids! It sure was a hectic afternoon! We played musical chairs (Erik won--see photo below), a fun game of pin a star on the light sabor, we opened presents, and of course we had cake and sang songs at the table. Afterwards the kids enjoyed playing in Erik's room with the swords, light sabors and pirate hooks!

Today he took 2 cakes to school to share with his class and then tomorrow is his real birthday. We'll order pizza tomorrow night and I will buy a cake for his real birthday. So far I've made 5 cakes in the last 2 days so I'm ready to see what the French baker has to offer now! Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day-- I hope so, because the day that Erik was born in 2002 was also a gorgeous and sunny day. I'm so excited for him to turn 5!


4 in 4 said...

Happy Birthday, Erik! What a fun party. Kelly, I can't believe he is 5 already. When we met, he was just a few months older than the twins are now. Where is the time going?

Francemama said...

I was thinking that when I did his video!!! You girls have already seen 2 of the 5 birthdays!! Crazy isn't it!