Monday, April 02, 2007

Annual AIA Easter Party

Yesterday was the annual AIA (American club) Easter party at the ambassador's house. The kids had a lot of fun as usual. This year they broke the hunt up into age groups so that all kids had a chance to find eggs. There were also craft projects for the kids and lots of goodies to eat. Kaitlyn stayed bundled up in her stroller for most of the event and was content to look around at all of the activity. It was fun to see familiar faces and speak English for a few hours in a row!

This last photo is Erik dressed up as the Easter bunny. Last week it was Star Wars and Darth Vador, and this week he's 100% obsessed with the Easter bunny. I'm sure he will not be happy I took this photo in a few years!!!!
This week will be a fun one for Erik. He has his group birthday party on Wednesday (with 7 children invited from his class), and then his real 5 year old birthday is on Good Friday. My little boy will be FIVE years old! Then of course there is Easter to look forward to on Sunday. We're hoping for some nice, sunny and warm weather for these events!!!

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