Sunday, December 31, 2006
The end of a wonderful year!!
I put together a slideshow of our special first Christmas in the new house. This holiday season has been a wonderful reward for all of our efforts during the building process--cozy Christmas fires, delicious meals prepared in the new kitchen.... It is amazing to have this dream a reality and the baby we dreamed of here with us also to share it! Praise the good Lord!
Happy New Year and blessings to all for a beautiful 2007!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
8 Months Old Today
Kaitlyn now weighs 8.7 kg. Not huge, but just right for her age. She is still nursing several times a day and eating a bit of solids as well. Some days she takes the solids wonderfully and is eager to try new tastes, but other days she isn't interested at all. For Christmas Santa brought her a sippy cup and I am anxious to try it out on her. So far she hasn't had anything to "drink" other than from ME so it will be interesting! I am curious about what her reaction will be to the cup. She is physically ready because her hand/eye coodination is magnificent--this girl is so dexterous! She can pick up the teeniest of tiniest objects with her thumb and forefinger and is constantly moving her fingers in a graceful piano playing motion. She will be able to hold a cup easily--the question is more about whether she will want to drink from it! We'll see!
Kaitlyn has REALLY changed a lot this month. She has become a lot more 'sensitive' to things--to put it gently. She is trying to grow and develop and is seeing the world in a new light. She has mastered cause and effect. She throws a toy over the edge of her exersaucer and watches it drop. She peers over to see where it went and then looks up at us to see who will get it for her. She has become a total chatterbox this month also---mostly in her growling, gremlin voice however. She is saying ba ba, ga ga and go go a lot though in her "normal" voice, and we are very happy to hear her "normal" voice from time to time too! So back to the sensitivity issue--this is frustrating for me, but normal. Because she understands the cause and effect game--and also has come to anticipate events, she can get irritated about things now. For instance when she is finishing up a meal in her highchair she KNOWS that I have to wash her face and she HATES it. She practically cries the moment she she sees me at the sink! Also when I change her diaper or her outfit she knows that I'm going to have to pull something over her head or arms/legs and she doesn't like that either! In her defense, most of the time this irritation comes when she is tired and THIS GIRL NEEDS HER NAPS! She sleeps 2x a day anywhere from 2-4 hours a nap. If she doesn't get her nap--WATCH OUT not to irritate the baby!
When she is fed and well rested she is OH SO CUTE! I just love watching her learn new things and discover her world. She just adores Krista and Erik and loves being included in family activites. She could sit for hours just watching Krista and Erik play together. They can get her laughing and giggling so easily. I just love watching her study them.
So that is a brief update on Kaitlyn. Today in the bath she was trying to grab the water coming out of the shower-head. It was so cute to see her try and grab it! Here's a clip of the water study...Watch out world--determined little Kaitlyn is on the fast track to figuring you out!!
Enjoy the video!!!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
The REAL Santa
In fact today he tapped me on the shoulder when Erik and I were standing in line at Atac grocery store. He had white hair, beautiful blue eyes and the rosiest red cheeks you could imagine. I'd say he was about 75 years or older..but his age doesn't really matter and in fact his looks don't matter either. There wasn't a beard, but if there was he sure would have resembled our idea of what Santa should look like. The fact is... I KNEW he was Santa by what came next....He said he noticed my son in the toy isle. He said he noticed that he seemed to really want something--a BIG stuffed teddy bear. He said he was playing with it and then put it down to stand in line with me. He asked my permission to buy this bear for Erik. He said he would only do it if I said it was okay. I was floored! Erik had indeed seen and played with that big bear..and like a good boy put it back when I told him we had to leave. He didn't ask for it, beg for it, but it WAS clear he would have loved it. So next...this kind soul took Erik by the hand to the toy isle and let him choose what he would like. He proceeded to buy this gift for Erik...and nothing else...just this gift. He paid in cash and he walked away.
We barely had a chance to thank this gentle man. Erik did manage to give him a big hug though before he left and I uttered to him that "maybe Erik had just met the true Santa Claus." He didn't deny it.. he just kindly looked at me and said, "maybe he did." He walked away, I was speechless. We ran to the door and he had disappeared, just as magically as he had appeared---this wonderful soul bringing kindness and happiness to my son.
Thank you Santa and to all the Santa's out there who bring kindness, joy and love to others. All of those who act in the spirt of the true meaning of Christmas.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Our Christmas

The kids said it was "thier best Christmas ever!"...the ultimate sign of a sucessful Christmas! We are so glad they had fun. Being a parent is perhaps more fun than being the kid who gets all the presents! I just love watching their joy!

Krista's top 5 gifts:
1. Tamagotchi (a little digital pet to take care of and help grow)
2. A NEW big girl bike
3. Diddl bathing suit and towel
4. Littlest Petshop toys
5. A notebook that I had personalized with a photo of her from ballet!

Erik's top 5 gifts:
1. A BIG stuffed teddy bear with a scarf
2. His new big boy bike
3. A pirate pop-up castle
4. Wooden pirate ship
5. Pirate ship for the bathtub

Kaitlyn's top 5 gifts:
1. puppet toy
2. bath seat
3. teething toys (numerous and all appreciated!)
4. Giraffe doudou
5. Clothes

Toomas and I had a pretty laid-back Christmas. We got only a few gifts for each other--among the top 3 were a digital forhead thermometer, a new coffee machine and a new toaster (matching). We're getting pretty domestic---with all those BORNING gifts ;)
We hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas as well. Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and blessed 2007!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Celebrity Look Alikes??
I ran it for all of us (except Kaitlyn) and we got some interesting results. Erik is my budding litte Leonardo DeCaprio; and Krista, our future Christy Brinkley. I will post those in an upcoming blog for kicks! See what you think of the ones for myself and Toomas. Is he my Ethan Hawke? Tobey McGuire? Travolta? Carey Grant?? It's the eyes! Hmmmm. You decide!
Here's mine:
Here's Toomas':
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Krista's Tap Dance Performance
Here's a clip of their class. Enjoy!!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas Gifts!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Cookie Time
Monday, December 18, 2006
Krista's Christmas Choral Performance
The Concert was held in a beautiful, very old Abby in the village right next door to ours. Krista had a really fun time and was thrilled to sing for everyone. Erik really enjoyed the concert too--and was very patient waiting for Krista to perform. Unfortunately Kaitlyn was sick and had to stay home with Toomas. We took lots of video though so Toomas could see the show. Here is a little clip that I put together just now while Kaitlyn was FINALLY napping.
Enjoy the show!
Kaitlyn is sick
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Europa Park
Thursday, December 14, 2006
American Christmas Party
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Christmas Events
I love this time of year...there is always so much going on and so many fun things to do!! This last weekend we had 2 fun events for the kids. The first was the yearly village Christmas Market and the second was the annual American Christmas Party. Today I'll focus on the Village Christmas Market...
Basically the market is a mini-version of the larger Christmas Market that is held in Strasbourg. I love this market because it is just the right size for the kids--there is no major walking, parking or driving. They get to see Santa, get a few Christmas goodies (waffles, cookies) and get into the Christmas spirit, all with a minium effort! There are small booths set up in the village square (where the church that Kaitllyn's Baptism was held). There are crafts, snacks, traditional hot wine and always lots of friends. It is really wonderful.
Stay tuned tomorrow for an update on our American Christmas Party.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Christmas came early!
All I want for Christmas..
Monday, December 11, 2006
Baptism Video Footage
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Christmas Dance Show 2006
Here is a little video of the day.
(p.s. Krista is the smallest if you can't find her--just look for the mini-ballerina).
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Grammy Award Nominees Announced

The 49th Annual Grammy Award nominees were announced today.... and I'm happy to report that The Fray have been nominated for TWO Grammys! Way to go guys!
They were nominated in Field 1 (Pop), Category 7 for Best Pop Performance for the song "Over My Head"... and then they were nominated AGAIN in Field 4 (Rock) Category 16 for Best Rock Performance for the song "How to Save a Life." In the Rock category they are up against some stiff competition: a U2, Green Day, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Coldplay (hmmmm ever hear of any of them???). Anyway, I think that The Fray deserve a turn now, thanks! And even in the Pop category there are some contenders...they are up against Keane and The Black Eyed Peas to name a few.
You can see the Offical Grammy Showlist and also an article from The Denver Post (their home state) newspaper..for more details.
Now the countdown to "Grammy Sunday" on Febuary 11th has begun! It should be a great night! I'm so proud of Mike and the band for all of their hard work. Lets cheer them on!!!!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Kaitlyn's Christening

The ceremony went equally as perfectly. Kaitlyn looked like a little angel in the Baptismal gown that her sister wore 7 short years ago. It was really wonderful to see Kaitlyn wear Krista's dress. Kaitlyn was very interested in the ceremony and seemed to understand that something exciting was about to happen. She was "fairly" tolertant of the water ritual, although she did SCREAM at the top of her lungs as the water was poured. (The water was really cold and her head was pretty drenched, so don't really blame her). She was very excited and "bouncy" during the ceremony. She was in such a playful mood, her arms and legs waving the whole time--she seemed to understand that it was a special and wonderful day for her!

We were happy to have Toomas' sister, brother-in-law and Kaitlyn's 2 cousins come from Sweden for the ceremony. Helen is Kaitlyn's Godmother. Janne, her husband was able to be the proxy for my brother Mike, who is the Godfather. It would have been wonderful to share such a big event with my family in the US, but it just wasn't possible. Fortunately we took a lot of video and many pictures to share. On the other hand it was also special to celebrate here in our own village--where we have our first home. We had our friends here in the village with us, as well as Toomas' family and the Estonian community. It was wonderful sharing the day with everyone. There were a LOT of children in attendance also, so it was very lively. In all we had 47 invitees, but not everyone came to the reception (38 came to the reception).

We are so happy to have Kaitlyn is now baptised and a member of our Catholic Community. We are also happy to celebrate her...and the blessing that she is to our family!