Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Gifts!! know it is Christmas-time when Fed-Ex and UPS start visiting you more frequently! :) We had two pleasant surprises this a.m. with some boxes filled with gifts!
First off was the arrival from Alexandra for Kaitlyn. THANK YOU GABRIEL for the Christmas present! What a wonderful and unexpected surprise that was! We LOVE surprises so that just made our day :) I can't wait for Christmas so Kaitlyn can open her gift! You guys are so thoughtful!

Then we had the box from Mike arrive. The kids just love getting those Christmas boxes from Uncle Mike! Lia always does such a nice job wrapping too. Ooooh and gormet Hazelnut Creme coffee for me. I'm so spoiled! Anyway, WE ARE SO EXCITED for Christmas. These little deliveries at the door just make the season so exciting and fun! THANK YOU Alex, Mike and Lia!



4 in 4 said...

Awww. Kelly, you are very welcome. I am sorry about the mix-up, but will get it taken care of ASAP, I promise! Merry Chrismtas to you and your family!
Alex & Gabriel

Lauren said...

I've got something you don't have, do-daa, do-daa! LOL.