Monday, December 18, 2006

Krista's Christmas Choral Performance

Last night was Krista's Choral Performance in a neighboring village. There were 3 local villages that joined together to sing in preparation for Christmas. It was a very beautiful show--with both children and adults performing. There were even several songs that the audience was invited to sing along with as well.

The Concert was held in a beautiful, very old Abby in the village right next door to ours. Krista had a really fun time and was thrilled to sing for everyone. Erik really enjoyed the concert too--and was very patient waiting for Krista to perform. Unfortunately Kaitlyn was sick and had to stay home with Toomas. We took lots of video though so Toomas could see the show. Here is a little clip that I put together just now while Kaitlyn was FINALLY napping.

Enjoy the show!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Wow! What a talented (and busy) little girl--ballet, gymnastics, chorus. It certainly appeared to be a wonderful performance.