Thursday, December 14, 2006

American Christmas Party

Kaitlyn's FIRST photo with Santa!

On Sunday we had the annual American Christmas Party. It was really fun this year. The turnout wasn't huge though, which I think was even better for the kids because it wasn't so overwhelming. They had christmas cookies and cakes for all to enjoy, they sang carols, played pass the present (when the music stops you get the present), had an indoor snowball fight with rolled up tube socks (THAT was fun!) and of course no party would be complete without a visit from Santa Claus! It was a really fun afternoon. Kaitlyn was an angel, despite her teething and cold. She actually WILLINGLY went and sat on Santa's lap. I don't know what she asked for though.... So, here's the token photo of Kaitlyn and her FIRST photo with Santa!

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