Thursday, December 28, 2006

The REAL Santa

Today was a special day...not like any ordinary day. Today we met Santa, the REAL Santa. There comes an age when the kids start asking who is the real Santa Claus. There is a lot of confusion out there--all the Santas at the malls and shops... all dressed up and all looking so different. Today however, we found him. The real Santa Claus.

In fact today he tapped me on the shoulder when Erik and I were standing in line at Atac grocery store. He had white hair, beautiful blue eyes and the rosiest red cheeks you could imagine. I'd say he was about 75 years or older..but his age doesn't really matter and in fact his looks don't matter either. There wasn't a beard, but if there was he sure would have resembled our idea of what Santa should look like. The fact is... I KNEW he was Santa by what came next....He said he noticed my son in the toy isle. He said he noticed that he seemed to really want something--a BIG stuffed teddy bear. He said he was playing with it and then put it down to stand in line with me. He asked my permission to buy this bear for Erik. He said he would only do it if I said it was okay. I was floored! Erik had indeed seen and played with that big bear..and like a good boy put it back when I told him we had to leave. He didn't ask for it, beg for it, but it WAS clear he would have loved it. So next...this kind soul took Erik by the hand to the toy isle and let him choose what he would like. He proceeded to buy this gift for Erik...and nothing else...just this gift. He paid in cash and he walked away.

We barely had a chance to thank this gentle man. Erik did manage to give him a big hug though before he left and I uttered to him that "maybe Erik had just met the true Santa Claus." He didn't deny it.. he just kindly looked at me and said, "maybe he did." He walked away, I was speechless. We ran to the door and he had disappeared, just as magically as he had appeared---this wonderful soul bringing kindness and happiness to my son.

Thank you Santa and to all the Santa's out there who bring kindness, joy and love to others. All of those who act in the spirt of the true meaning of Christmas.

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