Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Events

Village Christmas Market Fun!
The Kids Meet Santa!

I love this time of year...there is always so much going on and so many fun things to do!! This last weekend we had 2 fun events for the kids. The first was the yearly village Christmas Market and the second was the annual American Christmas Party. Today I'll focus on the Village Christmas Market...

Basically the market is a mini-version of the larger Christmas Market that is held in Strasbourg. I love this market because it is just the right size for the kids--there is no major walking, parking or driving. They get to see Santa, get a few Christmas goodies (waffles, cookies) and get into the Christmas spirit, all with a minium effort! There are small booths set up in the village square (where the church that Kaitllyn's Baptism was held). There are crafts, snacks, traditional hot wine and always lots of friends. It is really wonderful.

Stay tuned tomorrow for an update on our American Christmas Party.

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