Saturday, December 30, 2006

8 Months Old Today

Today we are celebrating Kaitlyn's 8 month birthday! WHERE in the world do these months go? It seems she was just turning 6 months! We are well on our way to completing 3/4 of her first year!

Kaitlyn now weighs 8.7 kg. Not huge, but just right for her age. She is still nursing several times a day and eating a bit of solids as well. Some days she takes the solids wonderfully and is eager to try new tastes, but other days she isn't interested at all. For Christmas Santa brought her a sippy cup and I am anxious to try it out on her. So far she hasn't had anything to "drink" other than from ME so it will be interesting! I am curious about what her reaction will be to the cup. She is physically ready because her hand/eye coodination is magnificent--this girl is so dexterous! She can pick up the teeniest of tiniest objects with her thumb and forefinger and is constantly moving her fingers in a graceful piano playing motion. She will be able to hold a cup easily--the question is more about whether she will want to drink from it! We'll see!

Kaitlyn has REALLY changed a lot this month. She has become a lot more 'sensitive' to things--to put it gently. She is trying to grow and develop and is seeing the world in a new light. She has mastered cause and effect. She throws a toy over the edge of her exersaucer and watches it drop. She peers over to see where it went and then looks up at us to see who will get it for her. She has become a total chatterbox this month also---mostly in her growling, gremlin voice however. She is saying ba ba, ga ga and go go a lot though in her "normal" voice, and we are very happy to hear her "normal" voice from time to time too! So back to the sensitivity issue--this is frustrating for me, but normal. Because she understands the cause and effect game--and also has come to anticipate events, she can get irritated about things now. For instance when she is finishing up a meal in her highchair she KNOWS that I have to wash her face and she HATES it. She practically cries the moment she she sees me at the sink! Also when I change her diaper or her outfit she knows that I'm going to have to pull something over her head or arms/legs and she doesn't like that either! In her defense, most of the time this irritation comes when she is tired and THIS GIRL NEEDS HER NAPS! She sleeps 2x a day anywhere from 2-4 hours a nap. If she doesn't get her nap--WATCH OUT not to irritate the baby!

When she is fed and well rested she is OH SO CUTE! I just love watching her learn new things and discover her world. She just adores Krista and Erik and loves being included in family activites. She could sit for hours just watching Krista and Erik play together. They can get her laughing and giggling so easily. I just love watching her study them.

So that is a brief update on Kaitlyn. Today in the bath she was trying to grab the water coming out of the shower-head. It was so cute to see her try and grab it! Here's a clip of the water study...Watch out world--determined little Kaitlyn is on the fast track to figuring you out!!

Enjoy the video!!!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Kelly, she is so cute and precious! What a pretty little girl! Don't you just love this age? Happy New Year! Alex