Monday, December 18, 2006

Kaitlyn is sick

Our news update is that Kaitlyn has an ear infection. It is amazing how different kids can be. When Krista or Erik had infections they always had high fevers...but little Kaitlyn had just over 100 and ended up with pus and fluid coming out of her ear today. POOR BABY! We saw the doctor today and he said that with a perforation of the eardrum, there is a lot of pain but afterwards there is great relief. It came on so quickly for Kaitlyn...a small fever and pain on Saturday, and by early morning today it had ruptured. I really thought that her fussiness was from those new teeth coming through--especially since there wasn't really a fever. She has even been grinding them too--which I thought was to relieve the pain of the teeth coming through. In actuality she was grinding them to relieve the pressure in her ears. She is now on antibiotics and ear drops for 8 days. She is doing much better now that it has drained. Back in the old days before antibiotics, they used to lance (pierce) eardrums to relieve the pressure. Our doctor said that she had it done the "natural" way. He reassured us that it will completely heal and won't be a problem unless there are recurrent infections (which we are praying won't be an issue). She is finally napping again and playing happily! It sure isn't fun with sick little ones though! Last night was a hard one on both of us--she woudn't nurse, or sleep---only cry. Today she is thankfully on the road to recovery--although she doesn't like the medicine one bit!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Awwww. Poor Baby! Get better and feel better soon, Kaitlyn!