Sunday, December 31, 2006

The end of a wonderful year!!

Tonight with a tear in our eye we bid farewell to the year 2006, a wonderful year for our family. Never fear 2006, you will not be forgotten! A new home, a new baby and lots of wonderful memories--it was an exciting year and one that will forever live in our hearts and memories. We are thankful for all of God's goodness this past year...and pray that we will be equally as blessed in the year ahead.

I put together a slideshow of our special first Christmas in the new house. This holiday season has been a wonderful reward for all of our efforts during the building process--cozy Christmas fires, delicious meals prepared in the new kitchen.... It is amazing to have this dream a reality and the baby we dreamed of here with us also to share it! Praise the good Lord!

Happy New Year and blessings to all for a beautiful 2007!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Great photos and video, Kelly! It sure looks like the kids had a great Christmas and really had a good time. They joy on their faces is priceless! Happy New Year!