My favorite pirate, Erik Andres, has drawn a photo of his family. You can see from left to right: Daddy, the head pirate, leading the family along (complete with his sword, feather, skull & crossbone hat and a big smile on his face), next in line is baby Kaitlyn and her stroller. You might want to note that the 3 wheels on the stroller isn't a mistake because we do indeed have a 3 wheel carriage ( the only oddity is that Kaitlyn appears to be riding on the handle bar of the stroller--something she's never tried, but Erik seems to think is possible!). The lineup continues with Erik... pirate bandana on his head, and pushing the stroller. I'm up next...the Mom (proudly walking as the TALLEST memeber of the family--does that mean I am viewed as the authority?), and finally you see Krista with a necklace on her chest. Well, I hope you enjoyed the drawing...it is one of 10 Erik made today :) And since he worked so hard on all of the others....I will also include this last one too....

He really wanted Grandma to see this one before she leaves on her trip to come visit us (we can't wait)! This one is of Erik's second favorite things next to pirates---BATS! It is a cute drawing...One bat is even hanging upside down to sleep (which Erik learned about in his new book "Stella Luna"). You can also see that Erik has learned to print his name (the K's were cut off by the scanner--sorry EriKKK).
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