Thursday, October 19, 2006

From the Archives. Volume I

"Does this Girl Love Chocolate or What?!?"
From the archives: Sept, 2002

I am about to begin my segment "From the Archives" where I will bore/or not bore you with memories from our past. It is fun for me to look back ...Hope you enjoy!

Just leave it to a Grandma to spoil her grandkids.. Krista was quite sheltered "culinarily" speaking until she was three years old. I tried my very hardest to keep her away from candies, cookies, sweets and other forms of junk. Her favorite foods were actually fruits and veggies back then (raspberries to be specific). It was inevitable I guess...and along came the day that Grandma introduced her to chocolate...She was a girl OBSESSED!! From time to time a small package would arrive in our mailbox from Grandma with her "fix" ...well, what was I to do?! Whenever one of these packages came in the mail, little Krista KNEW it would be filled with goodies from good ol' Gram! I found this clip of when Krista was 3 years and 3 months old....(FOUR years ago already.. but I though it was cute :)

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