Today we had Kaitlyn's five month checkup and she checked-out A.OK! Her stats are: height 25.5 inches long (65 cm)...Hooray-- two feet tall! She weighed in at 7.8 kg or 17 pounds, 4 oz...and her head circumference was 44 cm. All in all her stats put her around the 65-70% for a 5.5 month old girl in France (on all measures). The doctor gave us the go ahead to start solids this month or next. I think we will wait until she turns 6 months and have a celebration for her 6 month birthday...which is only 10 days away! Right now she is enjoying breastmilk alone...and I am enjoying the last few days of exclusive breastfeeding before we start getting messy! The bad news of the visit is that she got her booster vaccinations (Prevnar and Infanrix Quinta). She didn't even cry for them, but unfortunately did start crying a few hours after we got back (and is now running a slight fever). Despite not wanting to, I gave her a bit of tylenol and thankfully now she is napping peacefully. I'm so thankful for this precious, healthy blessing! She is a pure joy for us.

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