Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Protest!

We're making progress (I think?)... According to the widely read parents handbook "What to Expect The First Year" Kaitlyn is developing new skills. Okay, I confess, it wasn't one of the skills I was hoping she'd acquire so quickly....but she did.. and I must say, in this category she is very advanced for her age!!! You may now be wondering and what is that new skill? That skill, ladies and gents is called "The Protest"....and my little baby girl has mastered it, down to a tee. In her defense this is a necessary skill to have in a house with two older and stronger siblings...it's simply survial of the fittest.

I am now going to share with you photos that have recently been concealed. This "first protest" was way back in early October...at the young age of 5 months and 4 days. You see...according to the book, she would be considered advanced even if she acquired this skill only in her SIXTH month, but infact at a wee 5 months she already had it down pat!

Excerpt, photos and video to follow....

You can see the text...."may possibly be able to:" ****OBJECT if toy is taken away

So, here we are....5 Months and 4 days: The first protest, over a paper cone. It was a LARGE and exciting kid-suprise cone and she just simply WANTED it....

The most recent protest was a few nights ago...this time the culprit--a "Yu-Gi-Oh" card. Some may not know what this means, but to a 4-10 year old a "Yu-Gi-Oh" card is worth GOLD...and apparently to Kaitlyn also. Toomas made the mistake of giving her the card which she realized she loved and NEEDED. Enter stage left: Erik, who wanted HIS card back (so he swiped it away)!!! Result---a VERY unhappy baby, exhibiting her new "objection" skills. Enter stage right: Krista who shows Kaitlyn a toy in attempt to cheer her up (which fails miserably). Screams now are becoming piercing to the ear. We need help and fast!!! Krista then yells out "WAIT, I'll go get one of MY Yu-Gi-Oh cards"!! Result: COMPLETE satisfaction for Kaitlyn and demonstration of SUPREME objection skills.

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