Hello again,
Well the news of this week is that Kaitlyn is 5 months old. It is amazing how quickly these months can pass. I have noticed that with having older children, the time seems to pass much faster for the younger one. When Krista was a baby each month was a year long, but now the months seem to pass like a weeks. At any rate, I am very much enjoying Kaitlyn and her baby-ness. She is still such a baby, and definately the most "baby" of the three. At 5 months she is still sleeping her her bassinet next to our bed...and might I add, waking at night! Despite the night waking, I am NOT looking forward to sending her off to her own room. Don't get me wrong, I did spend a lot of time decorating her "chambre" but I am by no means rushing her there. I am very much enjoying having her right next to me. It won't be long until she won't fit into that bassinet anymore and she'll have to walk up to her own bed!!
This month Kaitlyn had her first round of vaccines. She did wonderfully! She didn't even cry for the first one, but with the second shot she did yelp for a moment. She is a very laid-back and happy child. She smiles and coos for all. She even seems to know when people are talking about her and is always up to performing for an audience. She loves to "crow" and "sing" also.
Kaitlyn is now 63 cm and weighs a good bit (7,700g). She doubled her birthweight and then some at 4 months and has grown over 12 cm in her 5 months. She is still petite though---her hands are ever so dainty, with her long thin fingers and her "manacured" looking nails. She is definately a girl! Erik has his big "paws" as I like to call them, which are in fact two times as thick as his sister Krista, who is nearly 3 years older!
So, this is my update...our happy little Kaitlyn is growing, smiling, laughing, rolling (only from tummy to back), singing and tring to grab any toy that is within 12 inches of her...and generally being a WONDERFUL little happy baby.

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