Erik's First Day of School
Well yesterday we had a Krista update, so now how about an Erik update!
Our little guy Erik is now 4 years old and in his second year of pre-school (chez les moyennes). He is really starting to feel comfortable now with the language and is making a lot of new friends. These are pictures of Erik at his pre-school on the first day. The first day was a hit...he had a fun time, not because he loves school (like his sister), but because he LOVES to draw and color in the mornings before school starts.
This year Erik started his first extra-cirricular activity...Baby gym. It isn't really 'gymnastics', and he isn't really a 'baby' but anyway...its called Babygym! It is really just a "playtime" for the kids. They do structured activities and dances (like the chicken dance). He LOVES it once he is in the groove, but he really doesn't like us to leave him and often protests (quite loudly!). Hopefully he will make improvements in that area this year.
Erik's big obsession these days is PIRATES! All the boy does is talk about pirates, draw pirates, dress up as a pirate or play with his pirate boats. He's a sweet little guy, but he has his tough-guy side too.
So that is my Erik update. He's growing well, developing social skills, language skills and trying new activities... Oh and I almost forgot, Erik EASILY learned to ride a 2 wheeler this summer. All it took was about 10 mintues (the time we took off his training wheels) and he was off! So a photo of my little pirate man one of his various costumes!

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