Friday, October 27, 2006

School Vacation

Here in France we're on school vacation this week and next week! The French seem to have a LOT of school vacations (this one being for All Saints Day). All of these vacations are great for the kids, but the downside is that summer vacation is rendered a bit short in my opinion!!

We aren't up to much this vacation...just keeping busy in the neighborhood (with a few planned outings for next week). The kids have a million friends here in the cul-de-sac so they aren't bored. We've been taking Kaitlyn on walks and going to a few of the local parks. PLUS, we've been sleeping in! It feels great not to have to rush around in the morning. Krista's rhythmic gymnastics class is still being held during the vacaction though, (2x a week as a matter of fact), so that is something for her to look forward to!

The weather is still wonderful here. Sunny and in the 70's! We couldn't be more spoiled!

I thought it would be fun to take a look at what they are on vacation from:

Here is a sample of both kids school work at the moment!

Krista (2nd Grade): Reciting a poem "Le Tamanoir" and her notebook where its written.

Erik (Pre-school): LEARNING to write the days of the week!

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