Monday, October 30, 2006

Kaitlyn is SIX Months Today!

The Little Gerber Baby...

Oh my time flies! Today marked 6 months with our precious little Kaitlyn. These are the golden days and the ones that I LOVE the most about babies. It really is a magical time in the life of a baby...Six months is glorious--they are discovering their world, reaching out and becoming small individuals. I'm making sure to savor every day and its small pleasures!

Today has been a busy day, but a fun one! We carved pumpkins, did a 6 month photo shoot, STARTED SOLIDS (that will be a post in itself), and introduced Kaitlyn to the ever-loved Exersaucer! Six months has a lot in store for our little girl! It will be fun month, thats for sure!!! It has started out with a bang!

These were a few pics of my little Gerber baby from our photo shoot today. I'll post more in a later post about our FIRST solid experience..(and exersaucer experience also).

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