Friday, October 06, 2006

Krista's First Day of Second Grade

Here she is... Krista Marie on her first day of school...backpack on, a top front tooth missing...her American girl outfit on! She is a real little 7 year old girl and she is READY for the 2nd grade.

So, you might be did that first day go? Well it was a true success! She loves school...she really, really does. This little girl was made for academics. From the age of 2 years old she loved flashcards, picture books and most of all LEARNING. I'm so happy to have such an eager learner. To be honest, I was a bit nervous about starting her in French school at the young age of 3. She didn't speak a word of French at that point, and yet we expected her to be able to read and write by the age of six IN FRENCH!! What?! How would that be possible...Well it happened. Somehow between the age of 3 and 6 Krista mastered kid-level French...her THIRD language. How?? Well kids are amazing! Really...they are true sponges! And as you can tell I am a proud parent (as most are). So, to top off the challenges for this little girl..she was selected this year among five other kids from last year's first grade class to go in a class with third graders!! So, my little Krista Marie is not only in French school (which is a feat in itself my opinion), she is in the 3rd grade class with only 5 other second graders her own age! I'm really in awe of my little Krista!

So, what else does this little girl like besides school? She loves to dance. She is involved in tap dance (claquettes), ballet (danse classique) and rhythmic gymnastics as well. She is one busy little bug! She also loves to read and is currently reading "Sheila the Great" by Beverly Cleary (remember that one?) and also loves the American Girl Discovery Series. She loves all books and each night asks how many pages she is "allowed" to read before going to sleep. And last but not least she LOVES being a big sister to her little brother Erik, and her new baby Kaitlyn. She is already asking how many more days until Kaitlyn can "sleep overnight" in her room? Well...a few more years. She's still "sleeping over" in MY room!

Here's a photo of Krista in front of her school and one of her with her best friend Carla.

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